How To Make Links
Tags A

<!-- -->

Specifies a comment. Everything contained within <!-- and --> will not be displayed by the browser.

<!-- I can say what I want here and it won't be displayed. -->

This is mainly used for information such as the document's author, e-mail address, the document's location, etc. It can also be used to separate sections of the documents making for easy revision.

  I.E. Netscape
<!-- --> X X

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Stands for anchor. Is used in links and as setting the destination of a link. Only used with the 3 common attributes.

  • name=

    Specifies a name for that part in the document. That way you can target that part of the document using that name in combination with href.

  • href=

    Creates a link to a place in the current document, to another document on the same system, or a document on another system. To make to like to a section of the same document, you must use the name attribute to give that part of the document a name. You then target that name.

    <a name="address">
    <a href="#address">Info on the address tag.</a>

    Try it. It works.
    Info on the address tag.

    Notice that everything that is contained between the <a> and </a> is made the link. This means the text, or image, is the "hotspot".
    To make a link to a document on the same system, you specify it's file name or relative path.

    <a href="index.html">Go to my main page.</a>

    Go to my main page.

    This example is of a document located in the same directory as the one you are reading now.
    To make a link to a document on another system, you must use the complete URL of the document.

    <a href="">Get free counter for your home page.</a>
    <a href="">Get Internet Explorer 5.</a>

    Get a free counter for your home page.
    Get Internet Explorer 5.

    To make a link to a section in another document, you use the filename plus the name of that section.

    <a href=tagsb.html#blockquote>Info on using blockquote.</a>

    Info on using blockquote.

    You can also use href to let the client send mail to you. The way you do this is by using href="mailto:email here".

    <a href="">Write me.</a>

    Write me. -This is a joke. Don't send mail here.

    You can specify a subject for the e-mail by adding ?subject=subject here to the end of the e-mail address in the link.

    <a href=" like Microsoft.">Write me</a>

    Write me

  • target=

    Used to display the link in a frame. (See my Frames Tutorial.) The target is whatever you named the frame using name=. If you have a frame named "main" and you wanted Geocities homepage to appear in "main" when the client clicked on their link, you would do this:

    <a href="" target="main">Geocities, your home on the web.</a>

    The names of frames cannot begin with the underscore (_). There are a few reserved names that do. They perform special functions when used with the target attribute.

    _blank - Loads the link into a new unnamed window.
    _parent - Loads the link over the document's parent (the document that created the frame). If there is no parent, it becomes _self.
    _self - Loads the link over the document. (i.e. in the same frame as the document that contains the link.)
    _top - Loads the link at the top level clearing the frames.

    These special names and the names of frames can also be used in conjunction with the <base> tag.

  I.E. Netscape
<a> X X X X
   ...href= X X X X

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A logical style for displaying address information.

Santa Claus
1 Santa Claus Lane
North Pole

Santa Claus
1 Santa Claus Lane
North Pole
  I.E. Netscape
<address> X X

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